
The greatest miracle one can ever receive on this planet earth is being saved from their sins. When God created the first man (Adam), he was pure, clean and holy so much so that God would visit him every evening but because of his disobedience, sin came into the world,

Genesis 3:8. As a result, everyone born of a woman has a sinful nature as stated in Romans 3:23; 5:12. God loved and still loves humanity that He sent His son Jesus Christ to the earth, leaving His mighty throne in glory over two thousand years ago, dwelt among men to restore them back to the original position. By His shed blood, death and resurrection power on the third day, every humanity has the privilege to re-connect with God, Romans 6:23; 10:9, John 3:16, Acts 4:12. God’s love for you is still available if you’re willing to accept Him. His blood still has the power to save, heal, deliver and set the captives free. To receive Jesus Christ into your life, just pray this simple prayer:


Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today just as I am, I confess all of my sins and I ask You to wash me by Your precious blood. I make You my Lord and Savior and will follow You for the rest of my life. My old is gone and behold everything has been made new. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!


Please contact us if you just prayed this prayer!

Our Vision

Solace Ministries International is a mission centered, non-denominational, non-profit and charitable Christian Organization. Our vision is to take Healing to the Nations wholly i.e. Spirit, Soul, Body and Mind. To care for those who are in want by providing basic needs; food, shelter and clothing, teaching Christian doctrine as given in the Bible in simplicity and understanding and let the whole world know the love of God expressed through His son Jesus Christ on Calvary is still available to everyone that believes.

Contact Info

Solace Ministries International in USA
12831 Aberdeen St. #301
Blaine, MN 55449

13030 Audelia Road #1186
Dallas, TX 75243

Solace Ministries International in Africa
P.O.Box 7029
Nairobi, KENYA 00300

Tel : +1 763 647 8476

Contact Us